Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Such a "SIMPLE" Word

What is kindness?

The Merriam Webster dictionary defines the word kindness as “the quality of being warm-hearted, considerate, humane, and sympathetic.” People have heard the word kindness thousands of times, but do they really understand the meaning of it? This act can be followed out very easily however, people do not see that. They tend to think it is not a big deal, when in reality it means the most to people. There are many things people over look and kindness is one of them. The word kindness does not come from a certain mindset, or a certain capability that only some people hold, it comes from within each of our hearts.

Often when people are not having the best day they turn to people whom would usually comfort them. That person will comfort them with only kindness that comes from the heart. People often turn to other’s acts of kindness when they feel that they have nothing left within themselves. They look to other people to fill in the gap that they are feeling for the moment. The heartfelt thoughts and words that are expressed in either a good or bad situation are irreplaceable. People need to realize actions speak louder than words. Being nice and kind to someone is more important than telling them they have a nice car.

Whether it’s holding a door for someone or giving up your seat on a bus for an elderly person, these acts can be considered forms of kindness. There is no measure to where kindness starts or ends. When you act upon a good deed, you get a feeling in your body that feels like you have helped or achieved something with meaning. Being kind is a self-less act. It comes natural to most people and comes from the heart. When one is kind they do not expect anything in return, just knowing they helped someone is more rewarding than anything else. Instead of looking at what prize you will receive at the end of day you look at all the smiles you created, and all the nods you were given and you can look in the mirror and smile at yourself. You, yourself will know that you have been the best you can be for that particular day, with no regrets.

Many people throughout history illustrate the act of kindness. Mother Teresa is a prime example of this. She lived her life in the hope of helping and touching others. Mother Teresa also took her time out in order to allow people to speak to her and share their feelings. She wanted to spread the act of kindness around the world and was very successful in doing so. She is a primary example of what people all over the world should act like. People influence other people with the kind grace to others. When people are kind they follow their conscience by doing the right thing. If all people actually did this we would not have to ever fight in a war, and the world would revolve smoothly.

Being kind takes courage. When kids are around their friends, they want to act superior. By acting cool, they might not always do the right thing. The often follow what their head is telling them and not their heart. When that same child is put in the situation they would never what that done to them in return. So we all have to live thinking would I want this done to myself? They must have the courage to follow their sense of right and wrong and recognize the right thing to do.

Some people will never realize what the feeling is of seeing a little old lady smile because you gave up your seat, of if you were to stick up for that little boy who always got picked. The feeling might be the most rewarding feeling a person can feel. Being a genuine person leaves a lasting impression on people. They will always remember when someone was there for them or when a person went out of his/her way to help. If you always go along with a positive attitude, being kind comes natural.